These care sheets will show you how I keep my tarantulas, they are not the definitive way the species should be kept. I am sharing my experience, not telling you how it must be done. Many factors must be considered in your husbandry such as ambient temperature and humidity of the room and even where you are on the Earth. Use this information as a starting point for your research and be flexible so you can give your species as optimal care as possible.

The tarantula hobby is constantly evolving, and there are many knowledgeable and experienced individuals and organizations within the tarantula community that provide valuable insights and information.

When researching tarantulas, it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources to ensure that you're getting a well-rounded understanding of the topic. This may include books, scientific journals, online forums, social media groups, and other resources. It's also important to critically evaluate the information you find and consider the credibility and experience of the sources you're using.

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