Top 10 Tarantula Lists!
Discover the BEST Tarantula Species in a category, the BIGGEST mistakes, or the MOST helpful tips!
TOP 10 Mistakes Keeping Tarantulas & Spiders - DON'T DO THIS!
In this video I cover the Top 10 Mistakes in the tarantula hobby. These are mostly mistakes I made over the years as I progressed in the hobby. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of many others and give your tarantulas and other spiders the optimal conditions for a long and healthy life.
MORE TOP 10 MISTAKES Keeping Tarantulas & Spiders!
Today we are revisiting some of the BIGGEST Mistakes Keeping Tarantulas with a follow up to the Top 10 Mistakes in the tarantula hobby video. These are mostly mistakes I made over the years as I progressed in the hobby. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of many others and give your tarantulas and other spiders the optimal conditions for a long and healthy life
Top 10 Most DEFENSIVE Tarantulas! DON'T BE SCARED
What are the Top 10 Defensive Tarantulas? Check out this video to find out! I combed the internet for every bite report I could find and reached out to members of the Tarantula Collective community across many different social media platforms and got as much input as I could to compile this list! In general, tarantulas are not going to bite or attack you unless provoked. But some species are a little more defensive and you need to be mindful and aware while interacting with them. This list includes New World and Old World tarantulas that are the fastest, most defensive and most prone to try and bite if provoked!
Top 10 Most Expensive and RARE Tarantulas - Fancy Spiders
People are filing their taxes and refunds are on their way! If your looking to treat yourself and spend a little bit of that refund on some tarantulas....here is my list of the most impressive, rarest, and most expensive tarantulas. Hopefully this Top 10 List will help you find your dream tarantula.
Top 10 BEST Display Tarantulas in the Tarantula Hobby! Show Off Spiders
In this video I cover the Top 10 Best Display Tarantulas in the hobby, at least in my opinion. I count down my top picks based on how often the tarantula is out of its burrow in the open, looks, webbing, attitude, feeding response, etc.
Top 10 Beginner Tarantulas You Are Overlooking
In this video I am talking about the top 10 beginner tarantulas many people overlook! Everything from Brachypelma to Grammastola, Caribena to Tliltocatl, & Aphonopelma to Holothele. Pink toe, Chaco Golden Knee, Rose Hair, versicolor, Brazilian Black, and Curly Hair.
How To Handle a Tarantula / Top 10 Tarantulas for Handling
In this weeks episode I go over the best practices for handling tarantulas, discuss the pros and cons of handling your tarantula, and give you my Top 10 Best Tarantula Species To Handle. Hopefully this Top 10 List will help you if you decide to attempt to handle your tarantula.
TOP 10 BEST Beginner OLD WORLD Tarantulas!
In this video I am talking about the top 10 OLD WORLD tarantulas I usually suggest to people when they ask which species they should get as their first Old World tarantula! If you have been keeping tarantulas for a little bit and think you are ready to cross over to keeping OW t's...then t his is the video for you!
Top 10 TIPS For Tarantula Keepers!
These are my TOP 10 TIPS for Tarantula Keepers. This is a list of things I have learned over all my years in the hobby, some of them are things I wish I knew early on. Everyrhing from advice, tips, tricks, husbandry, handling, and all things tarantula related. I cover essentially everything you need to know about set up and taking care of your tarantula. So save yourself time and money and learn from my experiences. I hope you found this shortcut helpful!
Top 10 Heaviest Webbing Tarantulas! Big Spiders, Bigger Webs!
Today I am counting down what are, in my opinion and experience, the TOP 10 HEAVY WEBBER TARANTULAS. This list includes New World and Old World species...fossorial, terrestrial, and arboreal tarantulas. I tell you a little about the tarantula, and show you their enclosures and impressive spider webs.
Top 10 BEST Arboreal Tarantulas - YOU WILL LOVE THIS!
In this video I am talking about the Top 10 Arboreal Tarantulas! This is a list of my most favorite arboreal tarantulas in my collection (or I wish were in my collection)!
TOP 10 DWARF TARANTULAS! YOU Need a Tiny Tarantula
Today I am giving you my picks for the Top 10 Dwarf Tarantulas! This is a list of my personal favorite dwarf tarantulas that I have in my collection (or I wish were in my collection)!
Top 10 New World Tarantulas - Must Have Species!
In this video I am talking about my favorite top 10 new world tarantulas! Everything from Brachypelma to Grammastola, Caribena to Pamphobetus, and Phormictupus to Psalmopoeus. Pink toe, Chaco Golden Knee, Rose Hair, versicolor, Brazilian Black, and Curly Hair.
Top 10 EASY Low Maintenance Pet Tarantulas For You
This week I am counting down the Top 10 easiest, low maintenance pet tarantulas in the hobby. Let me know if your picks made the list and leave a comment below with any tarantula species you think are very easy to care for or have simple husbandry that didn't make my list!
This week I am counting down the TOP 10 Tarantulas that remind me of Halloween all year round! They're creepy, crawly, spooky and spastic species from all around the world with ghoulish characteristics that make them perfect to celebrate and enjoy on All Hallows' Eve. Turn off the lights, lock the doors, and enjoy this countdown of the TOP Halloween Theme Tarantula Species!
Top 10 BLUE Tarantulas! YOU Might Be Surprised!
We are getting BLUE in the Tarantula Collective! Join me this week as I count down MY PICKS for the TOP 10 Blue Tarantulas in the tarantula hobby! It has Old Worlds and New Worlds. Fossorial, terrestrial, and arboreal. It is an amazing show case of the BEST blue tarantulas in my collection.
Top 10 RED Tarantulas - Best Red Spiders
This week for Tarantula Tuesday, I am counting my Top 10 Favorite Red Tarantulas! These are definately some awesome spiders! From Mexican Red Knee to Mexican Flame Knees, Mexican Blood Leg to Fire Leg and more! Did your favorite red tarantula make the list?
DEADLY Tarantulas? Top 10 Tarantula Myths BUSTED!
This week I am counting down and BUSTING the Top 10 Myths about Tarantulas! Are tarantulas deadly? Are tarantulas poisonous? Can you defang a tarantula? Remove its venom sac? Join me in this weeks episode of Tarantula Tuesday as we separate fact from fiction. Share this video with your friends that still believe some of these tall tales and have have misconceptions about tarantulas.
The SECRET to a Large Tarantula & Scorpion Collection
I am going to let you in on my Top 10 Secrets to keeping a large tarantula and scorpion collection. I will give you some inside information in the tarantula and scorpion hobby and break down how to successfully grow and care for your tarantula and scorpion collection. So if you have a large collection of tarantulas and scorpions or you are just getting started, check out the secret no one else is telling you!
Top 10 MUST HAVE Tarantulas - YOU Need These BIG Spiders!
Let's count down the TOP 10 MUST HAVE Tarantulas! These species are staples in the hobby and over all amazing spiders that you should have in your collection. There are New World and Old World species, Fossorial, Terrestrial and Arboreal tarantulas, and Colorful and Dull specimens. If you don't have these tarantulas, you really NEED to consider adding them at some point. They are amazing spiders and I never get tired of observing them. Some are beginner species, others or more for experienced keepers, but no collection is complete without these BIG spiders!
Top 10 LARGEST Tarantulas - Worlds BIGGEST Spiders - GIANT Tarantula!
Today we are counting down the Top 10 Largest Tarantulas in the world! These are some VERY BIG spiders! There are arboreal, terrestrial and fossorial species in this list from both the New World and the Old World. So if you are curious about which species of tarantula is the biggest, heaviest, and has the longest leg span....then you are going to enjoy this video on the largest tarantula!
TOP 10 Budget Tarantulas - CHEAP SPIDERS for YOU!
Are you looking to add some tarantulas but you are on a budget? Want some inexpensive spiders to add to your collection? Or maybe you just want to get the most BANG for your BUCK! This Top 10 List of Budget tarantulas counts down the cheapest, or least expensive tarantulas in the hobby....well at least here in the US. If there are some inexpensive tarantulas I missed, be sure to tell me all about them in the comments!
Top 10 WEIRD Tarantula Behaviors YOU Shouldn't Worry About!
You hear your tarantula tapping on their glass enclosure, there is a weird white substance around their mouth, they have flipped over on their back or have refused to eat for MONTHS! What do you do when your tarantula exhibits these weird behaviors? What does this bizarre activity mean? Tarantulas and spiders can act very strange sometimes, so today we are counting down the TOP 10 WEIRD Behaviors your tarantula may exhibit and discuss what it means and what you should do! So if your tarantula is acting strange, is confusing you, CAUSING YOU TO WORRY, or you are just curious why the heck it does what it does....then this is the PERFECT video for YOU!
Top 10 COLORFUL Tarantulas - Spiders in TECHNICOLOR!
We are counting down the TOP 10 COLORFUL Tarantulas! These spiders have some of the brightest and boldest colors of any tarantula on the planet. These ten technicolor tarantulas will BLOW YOUR MIND with the bright, iridescent colors! New World, Old World, Fossorial, Terrestrial, and Arboreal. These tarantulas run the gambit of husbandry from beginners to experienced. So there is something on this list for everyone!
Top 10 Tarantula YouTube Channels YOU ARE SLEEPING ON!
There are a lot of popular Tarantula YouTube Channels out there like Exotics Lair, Dark Den, and Tarantula Kat, but there are also a lot of very good channels just starting out or just not breaking through the algorithm to get their videos in front of NEW eyes! So today I am sharing my Top 10 Favorite Tarantula YouTube channels that you maybe haven't seen, or haven't watched in a while! These are GREAT channel with solid information and beautiful footage. I really enjoy watching these channel and I think you might really enjoy them as well. So QUIT sleeping on these channels and let's spread the love around a little!
Top 10 WEIRD FACTS About Tarantulas - You Won't Believe This
This week we are counting down the Top Ten Weird, Strange and Bizarre Facts about Tarantulas...some of these you may not believe! Everything from where the name "tarantula" came from to to creating spider webbing in the feet....we are diving deep into some unbelievable tarantula trivia!
Top 10 FLUFFY Tarantulas! YOU HAVE To See These CUTE Spiders
Fluffy, soft looking tarantulas that you may be tempted to try and snuggle are the topic of this weeks video! There spiders are adorable and are some of the fluffiest looking arachnids I have in my collection. But don't let there deceptive appearance FOOL YOU, these taratulas are not actually soft. In fact, some of them have urticating hairs that can itching for DAYS! Check out this video and leave a comment and let me know if YOUR most FLUFFY tarantula made the list, and if it didnt, tell me what the fluffiest tarantula is you have in YOUR collection!
Top 5 BEST Tarantulas - Aphonopelma genus
I am counting down my TOP 5 FAVORITE Tarantulas in the Aphonopelma genus. These classic, New World terrestrial tarantulas from North and Central America are the Aphonopelma tarantulas I appreciate the most and really enjoy keeping. This is definitely not all the Aphonopelma tarantulas, so if YOUR favorite didn't make my Top Five list, leave a comment in the comment sections, tell me YOUR favorite Aphonopelma tarantulas and WHY!
Top 10 RARE & EXPENSIVE Tarantulas 2021 - Cool Spiders
These are the Top 10 RARE and MOST EXPENSIVE Tarantulas in 2021! Some of these spiders you may be familiar with and some you might have NEVER heard of before! Species like the Birupes simoroxigorum, Typhochlaena seladonia, and the Ornithoctoninae sp. Hon-Sej...these are some of the most expensive, beautiful, hard to find species of tarantulas out there. Definitely some VERY COOL spiders!
Top 10 PRETTY Spiderlings - YOU NEED These CUTE Tarantulas!
Let's count down the TOP 10 PRETTIEST Tarantula Spidelrings in the hobby! A lot of the time spiderlings are just a boring brown or black color...not to exciting. But SOME species are very colorful with cool patterns from the moment they leave the eggsac or soon after! So check out my picks for the TOP 10 CUTE looking tarantula spiderlings, and if you don't have these cute baby tarantula, YOU NEED THEM...lol. If your favorites didn't make my list, be sure to tell me about it in the comments!
Top 5 BASIC but BEAUTIFUL Tarantulas!
Let’s count down the TOP 5 Tarantulas that are Basic, but Beautiful! Species that have very basic husbandry and because they have become such a staple in the hobby....are often overlooked by new keepers. These tarantulas are BEAUTIFUL and definitely some of my all time favorites. I know there are a lot of new and fancy species out there to get hyped about...but these tarantulas deserve your consideration and should not be forgotten!
Top 5 BAD Ideas Tarantula Keepers Have!
They say wisdom is where knowledge and experience combine. Sometimes what we initially think are our most brilliant ideas turns out to be some of our worst. The difference between theory and implementation can be staggering. In this video I break down why these Top 5 Ideas Tarantula Keepers Have are actually very BAD ideas and not the genius concepts we sometimes think.
Top 5 DANGEROUS Tarantula Keeper Behaviors!
Sometimes the greatest threats to our pet tarantulas is our own poor husbandry and ignorance of what we need to do (or not do) to provide them with the optimal environment for them to thrive. In todays video we are counting down the Top 5 Dangerous Behaviors of Tarantula Keepers and what we can do different to give our pet spiders the BEST enclosures and overall husbandry possible so they can be happy, healthy and less stressed out!