
the Tarantula Collective

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Top 5 AMERICAN Tarantulas!

Biggest Spiders in the USA?

We are counting down the TOP 5 American tarantulas. These big spiders are species that can be found in the USA and are just a few of the dozens of species that can be found within the borders of America. The United States is a massive country with many different environments and ecosystems, but these species are all mostly found in the American southwest and south central parts of the country.

Spiders, Insects & the Solar Eclipse of 2024!

Solar Eclipses are few and far between and we have heard a lot about how different animals may behave during the totality. But no one really discusses how spiders and other arachnids and insects may act once the moon has blocked the sun, plunging their environment into night in the middle of the day. Today we are going to discuss what strange behaviors you may witness from tarantulas, spiders, and many other arachnids, insects and invertebrates during the solar eclipse of 2024.

5 DANGEROUS Ideas DESTROYING the Tarantula Hobby!

This week I am counting down the Top 5 Ideas or Beliefs that are slowly destroying the tarantula hobby. Whether these concepts are old and outdated, misinformed, or just factually incorrect, these are 5 things I believed when I first started keeping tarantulas that I have since learned were not correct despite them being the accepted facts by most people. Sometimes we only think something or do something because it is what we were told early on. But as scientific research continues and more people share their experiences keeping tarantulas, new concepts and better care evolve and we must be willing to learn and grow as well. With more self awareness and a better understanding of tarantulas and their environment, we can adjust our care, attitudes, and beliefs to give tarantulas a better life both in captivity and in the wild!

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Featured Product

Featured Product

The BioDudes handcrafted bioactive substrate for Tarantulas, Scorpions, Spiders, Vinegaroons and other invertebrates. Terra Aranea is a one of a kind substrate that was thoroughly tested for over a year prior to it's release in 2019. Terra Aranea substrate is specifically designed for all biomes that can get very dry and arid or in a high humidity biome. This substrate is designed to hold the perfect amount of water while allowing for evaporation, preventing anaerobic bacteria growth, which is a common fight when dealing with inverts and terrariums. Terra Aranea also retains all burrows and hides. I have found this substrate brings out many of the instinctual niches that many different invertebrates do in their daily life. Not only does it hold a burrow, it also holds a complete tunnel when the moisture content is held at 25%-75%.


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