the Tarantula Collective
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2 Butts 1 Tarantula Tarantula Abnormalities
This is one of the RAREST and MOST FASCINATING tarantulas in the world! You have to see my Omothymus schioedtei, formerly Cyriopagopus schioedtei, aka Malaysian Earth Tiger Tarantula. This beauty has a rare condition known as abdominal duplication syndrome, meaning she was born with two seperate sets of spinnerets on one triangle shaped abdomen. Typically birth defects or abnormalities of this type result in the spider not surviving their first molt, but this miracle of nature is going on her 8th molt! You MUST watch to get some very up close and detailed views of this extremely rare condition and learn some interesting facts!
Tarantula Fest 2024: Spiders TAKE OVER
La Junta, CO!
This past fall I joined Tyler from Spider Shoppe and Nate from Microwilderness in La Junta, CO to attend the Tarantula Fest. This annual festival celebrates the tarantula "migration" that takes place every fall as the male Aphonopelma hentzi, aka Colorado Brown or Texas Brown or Oklahoma Brown Tarantula, emerge from their burrows and start traveling dozen, even hundreds of feet per day, searching for female tarantulas to mate with. There were presentations, tours, movies, parades, concerts, food, you name it. We had a blast spending the whole weekend looking for and celebrating tarantulas!
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The BioDudes handcrafted bioactive substrate for Tarantulas, Scorpions, Spiders, Vinegaroons and other invertebrates. Terra Aranea is a one of a kind substrate that was thoroughly tested for over a year prior to it's release in 2019. Terra Aranea substrate is specifically designed for all biomes that can get very dry and arid or in a high humidity biome. This substrate is designed to hold the perfect amount of water while allowing for evaporation, preventing anaerobic bacteria growth, which is a common fight when dealing with inverts and terrariums. Terra Aranea also retains all burrows and hides. I have found this substrate brings out many of the instinctual niches that many different invertebrates do in their daily life. Not only does it hold a burrow, it also holds a complete tunnel when the moisture content is held at 25%-75%.

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